We are most grateful for your financial donations [and we will be writing to acknowledge those already received]. However, some potential supporters have asked what are the easiest ways to support our work.

There are two relatively easy ways to do this:

  1. Send us a cheque, made payable to The Bradford Soup Run and posted to: Unit 4, Newcastle House, Barkerend Road, Bradford BD1 4AP [and please enclose your name and address].
  2. By BACS Transfer [this is direct from your bank to ours]. When you contact your bank you will need to give them the following information to make sure we get your donation:

Bank: The Yorkshire Bank
Sort Code: 05-03-33
Account No.: 30496909

Title: The Bradford Soup Run

Please note, if you wish to set up a Standing Order your bank should be able to do this once you have given them the above account information and the authority to carry out your wishes.

Thank you.